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Breathe rarefied air

"Time to breathe the thin air, brother!" said Aaron, my fitness coach in 2016 when I was rehabilitating from the amputation of my dominant finger and a 2nd Achilles tendon tear. It was around the time I was kicked off the US collegiate track and field team and was considering ending my decathlon career at the age of 23.

Aaron was right. It was time to stop whining and whining about what had already happened. It was time to take responsibility and just start going through difficulties and "breathing rarefied air" in the name of a dream.


It took 6 long years for me to get my career back on track and improve my personal best in the decathlon. Maybe for someone else this would be the definition of "the price of lost opportunities" , but for me this is a victory that no one will ever take away from me.

I don't care who you are and what you do - athlete, non-athlete, woman, man, old, young... I know that you can do more. And want more.

If you want, I will help you get more out of you and feel better!

See you at Daliņa Stadium!

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