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This is Coach Reinis

Helping People Become Strong.



Individual Training

There is no higher quality when it comes to undivided attention and co-responsibility for progress.


Hybrid training

I like to work by myself, but I want to be sure that I perform the exercises correctly - it is important to meet with the trainer from time to time.


Challenge Trails

Do you want a challenge for your organization or a circle of friends in nature. We create digital task trails and you compete with each other.


Group Training

You know yourself. If you see better results working in groups, then this is for you.


Online Training

Be a motivated expert. Good exercise alphabet. You just want a coach who makes plans for a specific need.



Professionally conducted seminar on physical preparation & fitness for children/youth and adults.

How can I help?

Comprehensive training.

Decathlon took me around the world. I have seen where both athletes and ordinary people can go with comprehensive physical training. I am sure that my 20+ years of experience in sports and working with people will help to provide the highest quality solutions specifically for your needs.

Who can I help?

For young people. For old people. For women. For men.

For the past 10 years, I have been training people from the legs of a child to the age of 90. I can help athletes, non-athletes, men and women achieve their personal goals in physical preparation and fitness.

Ko Sagaidīt No Treniņiem?

Kvalitāti. Pakāpenisku Progresu. Jautrību.

Treniņi balstīti uz vispusības attīstīšanu, vadoties pēc sporta zinātnes principiem un praksi. Lielākais uzsvars būs uz spēku, darba kapacitāti un dažādu kustību apgūšanu. Online treniņi iekļauj bibliotēku ar 1000+ vingrinājumu klāstu. Daudz izmantosim spēļu elementus, jo tie padara treniņa procesu dzīvu un ilgtspējīgu!



My name is Reinis. I am an athletics and physical fitness coach, the author of the book " Track and Field: Beyond Technique Training " and the manager of the BST.COACH platform. I help those who are ready to invest in improving their physical condition.

See you soon in Valmiera, at Daliņa Stadium!

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